Customize Category Menu for the Vantage theme

The Vantage theme allows displaying category mega menu in the navigation bar and on the dedicated Categories page.

Vantage Category Menu

Currently, there are no options for customization Category menu, but fortunately it has all necessary hooks and filter for that.

The filter "va_listing_categories_{$location}_args" allows changing parameters and alternate category menu for navigation and categories page separately. Dynamic part {$location} determines the location of the menu to apply changes for:

va_listing_categories_dir_args - applies changes to menu on the Categories page.va_listing_categories_menu_args - applies changes to the navigation mega menu. Filter 'va_listing_categories_{$location}_args' Basic parameters 'menu_cols' - (int) Columns number. Default 2 for page or 3 for navigation menu.'menu_depth' - (int) Number of sub categories levels. Default 3.'menu_sub_num' - (int) Max number of subcategories. Default 3.'…
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Customize Categories on the ClassiPress Search Form

The ClassiPress Search Form includes a dropdown list of ads categories, which allows refining search results by a selected category.

ClassiPress Search Form

It uses the WordPress function wp_dropdown_categories() to generate categories dropdown list HTML with a set of options that provides the ClassiPress function cp_get_dropdown_categories_search_args(). This function has a filter cp_dropdown_search_bar_args which you can use for complete customizing the Categories dropdown.

This is how it looks by default:

Default ClassiPress search categories dropdown list

Below you will find the filter specification and some useful customization examples.

Filter 'cp_dropdown_search_bar_args' parameters 'show_option_all' - (string) Text to display for showing all categories. Default "All Categories"'show_option_none' - (string) Text to display for showing no categories. Default empty.'option_none_value' - (string) Value to us…
Read more about Customize Categories on the ClassiPress Search Form
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