Disable receipt emails with 0 total for Vantage and Clipper themes

Receipt emails always send if option "Charge for Items" enabled in Vantage or Clipper themes. Even in cases when order total amount is 0.

There is no setting to disable such empty receipt emails, but it can be done using a small mod.

You can add it in a custom plugin or child theme functions.php file or use Code Snippets plugin (more details in the instruction).

function arthemes_org_send_user_receipt( $args ) { if ( ! empty( $args['order'] ) ) { $order = $args['order']; if ( ! (float) $order->get_total() ) { $args['to'] = null; } } return $args; } add_filter( 'appthemes_send_user_receipt', 'arthemes_org_send_user_receipt' );

This code filters parameters of the receipt email and removes the receiver if order total is 0. This will work fine in most cases. But be careful using AppThemes Coupons plugin and 100% discounts as it may also generate orders with zero total.

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Home page banner with video background for Vantage and HireBee themes

Home page banners for Vantage and HireBee themes designed to display an image on the background.

You just need to set the Featured Image for the Home Page.

By default it looks like this:

Default HireBee home page banner

Actually, you can display a video as well, but it's not so obvious and below it will be explained how to.

While ClassiPress theme has a Customizer option to upload a video instead of image, the Vantage and HireBee still require some more actions.

We will use the Gutenberg block editor and only one "Cover" block.

Create reusable block from your existing home page content

Group all existing blocks and add group to reusable blocks. Give it a name, for instance "Welcome banner". And remove it from the page.

Add new Cover block

Create new a "Cover" block and upload your video file in it.

Add your …
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Disable Favorite Listings in Vantage theme

Favorite listings is the build-in feature in Vantage theme. But for some sites it is not needed.

Following PHP code snippet will disable Favorite Listings. You can add in a custom plugin or child theme functions.php file. Alternatively, Code Snippets plugin can be used (more details in the instruction).

add_filter( 'va_fave_listing_link', '__return_empty_string' ); add_filter( 'va_header_menu_primary_items_user', function( $fields ) { unset( $fields['favorites'] ); return $fields; } );

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Customize AppThemes Importer

The AppThemes themes provided with a built-in listing importer, which allows importing new listings using CSV spreadsheets.

Currently, following themes support the AppThemes Importer feature: ClassiPress, Vantage, Clipper and JobRoller.

Listings can be imported with title, description, excerpt, status, author, date, slug, attachments, Geo data (if theme supports), custom fields, taxonomy terms and even taxonomy meta.

Each theme configures the Importer with a list of fields it should process. Site owners can check out this list by downloading sample CSV file and add their listings for import by adding data in appropriate spreadsheet columns.

The only issue is that site owners can't just add few more columns in a listings table and expect that the Importer will add this data to new listings.

The Importer doesn't understand where to add this new data, such as custom fields, taxonomy terms or post core fields.

Hooks Inven…
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Create a dedicated custom field for embedding media in the Vantage theme

In most cases, site owners do not mind users placing embedded video in the listing description section. And it works in Vantage without hassle. But sometimes they want to have a dedicated area for embedded media. What is possible, but requires some explanations.

The Vantage theme allows embedding videos in the listing description, but other fields do not recognize embedding and display the plain link to the video.However, there is a workaround that allows to display embedded videos in a dedicated area.

Create a dedicated field for embedding media

Open Vantage → Forms → Listings and add new "File Upload" field. Add the name. Set "File Limit" to 0 (what means no file upload allowed) and "Embed Limit" to 1 or more (depending on how many embeds allowed for this field). Save and remember the field meta name: in example we've got "app_youtube".

Edit listing and embed an example YouTube video to…
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Customize Category Menu for the Vantage theme

The Vantage theme allows displaying category mega menu in the navigation bar and on the dedicated Categories page.

Vantage Category Menu

Currently, there are no options for customization Category menu, but fortunately it has all necessary hooks and filter for that.

The filter "va_listing_categories_{$location}_args" allows changing parameters and alternate category menu for navigation and categories page separately. Dynamic part {$location} determines the location of the menu to apply changes for:

va_listing_categories_dir_args - applies changes to menu on the Categories page.va_listing_categories_menu_args - applies changes to the navigation mega menu. Filter 'va_listing_categories_{$location}_args' Basic parameters 'menu_cols' - (int) Columns number. Default 2 for page or 3 for navigation menu.'menu_depth' - (int) Number of sub categories levels. Default 3.'menu_sub_num' - (int) Max number of subcategories. Default 3.'…
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Limit location dropdown for a specific country only

Let me show you an easy way to limit a country in location search dropdown and address field auto-suggest.

This mod will work only for WordPress themes ClassiPress v4.1.0+, Vantage v4.2.0+ and JobRoller v1.9.0+, which implement the AppMaps Geo framework by AppThemes. The Google Maps is the only supported AppMaps provider for this mod. Means, it will not work with Bing or MapQuest providers.

AppThemes themes implementing AppMaps framework have option "Region Biasing", which limits the country in location dropdown in soft way. It will suggest locations related to the selected country in the first places, but still, allow the other countries options select at the end of the list.

However, if you want to limit the country in strict way, i.e. do not allow to enter any other countries except selected, you would need to add the following code in your theme JS scripts file.

( function( $ ) { $( document ).on( 'appaddressautocompleteready', func…
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Dedicated Banner upload field for the Vantage

This mod is for Vantage users who want to use a special custom field for the listing page banner upload.

Time needed: 5 minutes.

By default, the Vantage theme uses the first available image for the listing thumbnail and the page banner. This might not be convenient. Especially when users use logo images in thumbnails, which appears on the banner.This is definitely a UX issue and it will be fixed in the next versions of the Vantage theme. In this article, we'll show you how to fix it with a small code snippet before the official release.

Create new File Upload field

Open Vantage → Forms and create new File Upload field with name Banner Image. Set "Image" for Allowed Extensions parameter. File limit 1, embed limit 0. The name of the field in example app_banner-image.

Add PHP code snippet

You can use Code Snippets plu…

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